Sunday, December 7, 2008
this is it!!!!!
has anyone around me knows that what i am going thru & spare some thoughts for me????
stressing out daily & whats the most disappointing is that all those hards days & tearing nights had seems to be worthless when i couldnt even figure out what is the purpose of all...
depressing already??? hope not... as i still am able to agree to myself that i could use different other methods to relieve stress beside crying & hurting myself....
went on for a hair-do really seems to work well enough. with the fingers running thru my hairs with shampoos & chilling water.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......
okok ..... whats the point i am trying to say here????
i am bored & need some break right now... (luckily now is sunday... hahhaha)
Friday, October 31, 2008
This is Crazy
Feel like slapping idoit when he keeps pissing me with his attidute.
Whats so great that he walks around with both hands in his pocket & admiring at the trophies collection that the company had won over the years when everyone is so buzy, rushing to get job done before calling off for the day. (i totally give up on rushing thru my work when its almost 5min till knock off)
"imagining that all the trophies comes to alive & gives him slaps, throwing punches on the free loader"
hahhaha.... (ok ok ....) i am going insane soon...... where am i huh????
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
korea variety show - We got Married
What are they thinking of?!
1st of all... you get to see them behave (is that real or they still acting) which comes into my mind wondering since they know well that cameras are they shooting at them at all time....
Make to stay with their designated "spouse"... guys will try to behave like loving husbands & fixing bed on thier 1st day move in to the home.
I do hope that the guys really mean to be so loving & good temper that they would willingly to piggy back the "wife" into the house..... fix breakfast before waking their wife
o, my... it sounds so unreal that seems like a fairy tale when Andy even make a "princess" bed for Solbi
(wishing upon the stars) hope that i could have such a wonderful husband too
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
"Is it you?!" [finger don't point at me pls]
This is how it goes...i happened to be in this shop while this happen.
A young lady was trying out on her clothing while her gal friend was waiting outside the fitting room for her.
Big Boss of the Boutique was having his chatty & friendly conversation cum good sale technique to sell his clothings to the rest of the customers, making sure that all customers are treated fairly & happily served.
" Its Sale period, so everything is going to be on a big discount!! Get them more right now... Sale celebration before i am heading for my honeymoon... yes yes... i just held my wedding dinner.... its fantasic & i was really drunk ...... At the XX hotel ...." (dots represent those missing details which i can barely remembered)
The young lady who was still trying out the dress inside the fitting room was so excited when she overheard the "loud" conversation that she popped out from the fitting room (or should i just say that her head pop out behind the curtain made fitting room... whatever....)
" Are you sure you held your wedding dinner at the XX hotel??? Just last Sunday?? My mum just attended the wedding dinner at that hotel & that specific date?! Don't tell me we are related?!" (ooooooooo........ everyone's eye popped!!) ["Dont tell me you are 1 of my distant cousin sister since i had so many that i couldn't even recongize- says the boss]
" Just kidding lah... my mum says she attended her friend's child's wedding dinner... so i guess your wife's mum knows my mum ..."
This is funny.... things could happend & since singapore is so small enough that someone's someone could have know you & this could mean that you better behave for whatever bad things you had done could fairly come back to you.... unknowingly...@@@ ops
Friday, October 3, 2008
Didn't able to find much info on him & i really need to head on to music store in hope to find his album.
Music of the song is relativly easy to listen & hard not to remember after hearing it more than once.(got to admit that my age could have catch up so i had plain forgotten after few hours of not hearing it now)
Lyrics wrote are peacefully & meaningful but still plain enough to be understood by any Chinese.(none of those hard to recongize nor understandable characters, thankfully)
Guess his going to be my next top list of "wanted" artiste.
2000至今一直同众多圈内音乐制作人一起从事幕后音乐制作,参与多部电视剧的音乐制作及主题曲的演唱。并担任众多歌手的单曲及唱片制作。其间创作出大量优秀的音乐作品收录于众多歌手的专集中,先后为宇桐非曾为 陆毅、黄奕、苏有朋、本多RURU、大地乐团、K。O女生组合、S翼乐团、顾海滨、王冰洋、马天宇、泷潇、东翰、陈少华、范海荣、董冬等多位艺人创作并制作歌曲,深受广大歌迷喜爱,并努力使自己成为一名优秀的词曲作者及音乐唱作人。 想认识的人: 使自己成为一名优秀的词曲作者及音乐唱作人。 曾被胡海泉一直认为很有潜力的多年兄弟宇桐非,终于在2007年共同携手制作宇桐非的首张个人专辑。这张专辑可以说是精选中的精选,是在宇桐非创作的近一百首作品当中细心挑选而出,经过将近一年时间的精心打造,完完全全属于宇桐非个人本色的一张专辑。其中很多作品都是宇桐非亲身经历和感同身受的情感之作。 本专辑已进入最后的制作流程,相信不久就会与大家分享。从作品中可以真正的了解宇桐非,发现宇桐非。不仅仅是《人在江湖漂》《功夫》中他所表现的江湖侠骨一面,也更有其独特的非式柔情。 在胡海泉眼里宇桐非在生活中是一个不可多得的好兄弟,重感情,讲义气,做事稳重,有一个好的心态,坚持自己的理想却不急于求成。在音乐上说不上我们是志同道合,但是因为是多年的兄弟,也会有相当的默契在。但是各自对于音乐理想的那份执着却是一致的。但谁曾想一个对音乐为之癫狂的人,有时却是一个极其冷静的家伙,有对于生活敏锐的洞察力 这点好像有点象胡海泉。 在宇桐非眼里胡海泉却是一位不折不扣的好大哥,更准确的说应该是良师益友。这些年给予了自己很多的帮助和支持,几乎每写一首自己较满意的曲子都会向海泉讨教讨教,给一些指点和意见。而海泉在这些事情上从来都是很认真的去揣摩,以至于在这张专辑的制作过程中两人都会有相当的默契和热情。
艺名:宇桐非 生日:1月8日 星座:摩羯座 血型:AB 型 身高:183厘米 体重:73 公斤 鞋子尺寸:43 号 衣服尺寸:大码 学历:大学本科 嗜好:唱歌、驾驶、足球、拳击、健美 语言:中文、英语 喜爱的衣著:休闲装 、古装 喜爱的卡通: 《名侦探柯南》 、《聪明的一休》 喜爱的电影:《勇敢的心 》、《未来水世界》、《英雄本色》 喜爱的影星:梅尔?吉普森、李小龙、周润发 喜爱的歌星: Toni braxton、blue、张国荣 喜爱的食物:牛扒、面条 喜爱的饮品:可乐、白开水 喜爱的颜色:黑、白、红 喜爱的歌曲:《Un-break my heart 》 喜爱的地方:家 害怕的动物:鲨鱼
Artiste's profile credited from SOGUA ^u^
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
mummy's 1st attempt
mummy's 1st attempt to give the little angel her bath... ops....
reduce speaker volume before watching. try to ignore the background noise.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Bridal or Money
Decided to move off to get our bridal gowns package in Malaysia after a brief discussion as we really hope to cut down on expenses for our wedding due to the high cost in Singapore & also the strong currency exchange did help a lot.
Lots of planning & hunting in Johor areas as its relatively not a far distance to travel as the amount distance will be a great tiring & troublesome task if its gonna be too much of a trouble.
Finally managed to sign up with 1 of those bridal shops in Tun Ahminah, who had promises us with great experience of a lifetime & beautiful gowns but the high price was something that I wasn’t really expected. But since it’s the only shop that did give us the impression that if could provide us with the service worth the value we are paying for, we are most willing to try out. Its still relatively much cheaper in terms of dollars compared to what usual bridal shops in Singapore is able to provide me.
Money is such hard to earn nowadays thus to spend it wisely is so important that we must do to keep hold within the budget as neither of us are making big bucks or comes from a wealthy family.
~ tiring
Budgeting & bargaining & planning…. There seems to be thousand & 1 things being left out that we had yet think of & do…. When we are currently at the beginning stage of our wedding preparation….
Why can’t 2 living human beings simply get the ceremony done with a simple sit down dinner session with only the family & a vow in-front of the adults & elderly?
“Come on dear, it’s a once in a lifetime thingy… “ can’t imagine that its my future husband the person to console me on this & looking forwards to get these rituals & ceremony done when mostly it’s the wife-to-be so happily & looking forwards to get everything done to their expectation.
Alright… this just make it sounds as if I was so not into the wedding preparation & wedding rituals.
Is it me only that feels wedding is nothing more than wasting resource & time for something that is supposed to be so sacred & holy to be left alone with??? ………..
Friday, August 15, 2008
Poor Penguin got raped
some funny thing to share..... laugh my head off.... LMAO
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
1 second of thought
(let's skip the part on the lunch since its nothing interesting)
we head back to work after a good meal (even thought the food that i had is totally not to my taste..but..), as the car drove out from the shopping mall, we saw a bus stop right at the T-junction.
a Double Decker bus had broke down on the traffic junction right outside of the bus interchange.
it must have broken down right after it had exited from the bus interchange & travel barely 5min since its a right turn corner from the exit.
passengers are seen standing by the road, under shades of the trees as the sun is really hot during noon hours, & the poor (but really cheerful) bus driver is waiting patiently for his rescuer.
we are laughing that what a luck that the bus could break down right after driving for less than a kilometres... & passengers sure must have gonna be pissed off, especially when its really hot & sunny to be out in the open.
(fast forward the scene)
i headed home right after i gotten my dinner (tabao my dinner since i alone again), & took my feeder bus.
on the very 1st bus stop after it had exited from the bus interchange, friendly bus driver pick up the passenger from the bus & was ready to head off...
something is not right.... the engine don't sound correct..making weird sound...
the bus ain't moving as it supposed to be.
OMG... has it broken down ??? all the passengers aboard were starting to feel uncomfortable & uneasy... mummuring & wondering if they should simply alight the bus to get on the next coming.
driver uncle tried to ignate the engine again.... but it just won't work
is this a omen shown to me that i shouldn't have laugh at the people during the afternoon incident where all the poor passengers had to stood under the hot sun while waiting for thier rescuer? gosh... it must have been a retribution to me for being so evil & mean...
(as i was thinking of these to myself)
driver swtich off all the switches of air-conditioners & lights, then he attempt to ignate again...
ONE GOOD SHOT!!! the engine works again...
air-con & light are back, and the bus is moving towards the next stop....
phew.... guess i must be thinking too much...kekeke...
let's head home as fast as i could...
something more to add on
why is our company's power supply tripping again... good timing isit? its 4.25pm when it starts to trip. time wasted for nothing that all of us have to bear & wait patential in the dark, what can we do? just have to sit & (why not... grab some bite to kill some time) --- getting fatter already
can someone please do something about the power tripping issue... its really wasting too much of resouce
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tall vs Short

but its something on this show that had started to make me think alot.
Joe, male cast having the great height of 188 had seems to tower all the cast in the show.
he look so out of the group that you can't seems to ignore the fact that its a great advantage for him.
what's the think that keeps me wondering?????
he has a big hand & really long fingers.... (wonder anyone had notice that??)
it look as if his hand could hold the whole head of Ariel or even to cover her face completely.
looking at my own hand... i start to envy his long fingers... they look so ....(feminie??) what can i say... i want those hands!!!
a crazy thought just enters my mind.... is the ratio of length of the hands equal to the heights of a person??? [craziness has gone into me].....
maybe i could do a little survey on this topic .... & my 1st victim is my pal....
o well.... he is tall considering that he is 173 i think .... maybe i go & measure him secretly.... kekkeke....ops.
Monday, July 21, 2008
恶作剧2吻 (湘琴版)
词曲:蓝又时 演唱:林依晨 林依晨-你(吉他甜蜜版) ★
风轻轻 我听见你声音
你对着我叮咛 要注意自己的心情
雨轻轻 我听见你声音
你拿着伞靠近 为我遮着风挡着雨
我总依赖着你的记忆 hu……
你就像风在说话 顺着我方向
你就像海中的波浪 堆着我成长
我明白你的回答 温柔的对话
不被感动吧 我不说谎
歌曲名 -忠于原味----郑元畅
作词:严云农 作曲:古 皓 ★
阳光照亮世界 却涂鸦不了黑
就像我怎么完美 也得爱上谁
爱情要靠感觉 幸福靠智慧
我的心却理所当然 往你身上偏
喜欢的还是喜欢 讨厌的还是讨厌
这口味一旦养成 就注定很难改变
喜欢的还是喜欢 讨厌的还是讨厌
有些事可以妥协 有些事就必须绝对
喜欢你单纯 喜欢你怕黑
all i want只是想 爱得不虚伪不虚伪
喜欢的还是喜欢 讨厌的还是讨厌
不需要去在乎谁 让自己忠于原味
喜欢的还是喜欢 讨厌的还是讨厌
i love what i love i hate what i hate
Thursday, July 17, 2008
"They Kiss Again"
What can I do to resist the addiction of Joe & Ariel?
They simply grow on me especially Joe…his grim smile whenever he glance at Xiang Qin… the little love grows daily towards his loving wife.
Was goggling on more info on the story that I happen to tumble across the little blog that producer created for the show….(yes!! It’s the little blog that Jiang MA MA mention after their return from the honeymoon)
Its so touchy that the blog is written by the character XiangQin on her thoughts & love towards her dearest love, ZhiShu.
& of cause… characters like Jaing MA MA & GAN GAN replied in her entries, makes the blog seems more humanity than a props.
In the 1st sequel, XiangQin tends to hug Zhishu more than ZhiShu…. Wherelse.. in the sequel, ZhiShu hugs XiangQin from behind more than expected… showing that his love towards XiangQin had grown a lot. --------------cont.....
Saturday, May 24, 2008
ShiChuan Disaster
How can this ONE quake caused & brought such a big sadness disaster to China, & to happen not too long away from the Olympic which is to be held in August?!
Death Toll had reached the 50thousand mark, which more is expecting due to 20thousands still missing.... buried alive most likely underneath...
Saw those pictures that had been circulating thru emails, honouring those who work so hard thru everything that they could faced.. the soliders, the medical volunteers, & even the survivors...
Everyone has the same expressions on thier face when they put everything that they had into helping one another --- determination to help
Its on the news when teachers themselves who risk their life, just hoping to save as much students as possible, with nothing but their own body. They sacrifice their life, holding on to the fallen structures as long as they could, so that the students could run or even to crawl out alife.
Mother used her little yet strong determination to hold on to all the impact of fallen pillars on her, with her little precious protected safely under her. She was found dead, with a deformed body that can be hardly recognized. She could have escaped the accident when she was out of the building, but she ran back into her apartment just to save her baby.
More brave stories of even little school boy (less than 10years old) that he even saved his classmate out of building by carrying 2 of them , that ended him being badly injured due to the heaviness of his fellow mates.
Lots more of stories each days had only shows what more that China had shown to the world, which the world had once wrongly think of them.
Love is still around... even little peasants or teachers or little kids had those determination & bravery & love that can only once seen in the drama...
Once again, Be brave my friends out there & show your love...(AUNT) you be careful... Don,t Forget that we are all worrying about you....
I Love You
Friday, May 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Dressed... but Dress-down
"THEY were dressed in what looked like fast-food restaurant uniforms and getting busy - but not with burgers and fries.
Instead, the two men and a woman were getting down and dirty - and their romp was captured on video.
The video has since made its way online. A link to the video was posted on several popular local forums. It has also been circulated via handphone."SOURCE
Thursday, April 10, 2008
maybe due to over stressing & working extra hard that had cost me more than i expected...
feeling very not normal right now... maybe i getting sick soon...
thanks PEST!!!
your ultra big virus had spread like mad in the office...
why didn't you just get whole week MC & stay put at home...
instead, you can back to work, spreading what the best rate that you can... getting me so weak right now...
wonder what they hell are you worth ...... beside spreading virus... causing unwanted damange...
can even do simple things & no task assign to you could be done at the correct way & complete at expected....
well well.... its another day & hopfully tomorrow's everything gonna be alright....
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Heros who or who is consider Hero
Watching it on internet & watching as the 1st introducing on those characters suddenly arouse my thoughts.
Who are really consider Heros & what is the requirement to be consider a Hero?
Anyone on the earth can be consider a Hero in terms of time or even a moment of decision choice they made that make them a hero. (recalling on this afternoon meeting session of hours long of lecturing)...
In this new world & era, guess the most important people & most honourable person that i would consider a Hero of century is non other than the person who invented this!!! YES!!! the INTERNET!!!
hahahah... gotcha!!! thought that i will be saing about anybody else on history?
maybe i gonna spend sometime & find who is that genius who created this!!! HE IS A GOD!!!
ok, i'll stop here to continue my show...... now...
(to be cont......)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Funny Translating_1
Monday, April 7, 2008
Friends From Far Away
O well, since we manage to get some time & meet up (since she was here for half the day before heading off to other country (next flight is the next EARLY morning)
Brought her to Roacher for seafood as suggested by our fellow boss.
Ate alot actually but can't finish them as we didn't expect that the food is too much for 3 of us that we can't finish it.
Of cause, we ordered the WORLD Famous --- Chilli Crab.
Yummy!!! it taste wonderful... luckily its not hot or else .......(getting sore throat liao if i continue to eat hot stuff)
Had a stroll towards Bugis Junction (thru Bugis Village) since we had such a full dinner.
Gosh, everyone's tired thus decided that we call it the night & headed for the super long Q at taxi stand....
Since its so so so long (i mean the Q), grabbing the little time we had & snap some shot!!!
Jo!!! you are so tall!!! (i had to tip-toe just to get that snap shot with you... ) hahha
Looking forward to your next visit again.
Aren't you surprise to see me? Hope that we can get the rest of the guys together.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
little fish vs big fish
i thought that i had really seen enough that i wont feel sad but.....
its really hard to find another 小妹妹 that i can be so close with....(kekeke... misses those hugs already)
been 3 days since her depart of the company & lunchie time seems so quiet than ever since she is not around.
Gosh, even kaki had commented that wondering how has our 小妹妹 been doing....
Misses us?
alright then, since everyone starts to miss her little "innocent" smile & laughter, we shall organize something (how about BBQ or simply a dip in pool at SSS place?)
so regret that i didn't get to take any pictures on the last day as i was too tied up with lots of work.
know what my little fish, that pest is getting more & more irritating..(guess must be cos he has found another pest along him to add the fun in the area)
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Looking good

Monday, March 24, 2008
Integrity, no more....
I guess he is right next after mr chen on the world ranking.
Moron you may say or in-mature mentality as suggested...
What i do think its that a fully grown man with such stupid behaviour has nothing left but a size of peanut in his brain skull....
What's that big issue on the little mouse that you have to lie about. Its such a small issue that is almost negligible & no one is there to confront you for taking something not rightful or such.
Simply a demand of answer as to if you had retrieve it from the empty desk station.
Having a manager to confront you for an answer, has it been such a horrible thingy that you need to come out with a GREAT EXCUSE & lie thru it. Having said that its not a punishment or so that you will face.
So whats the big horrible issue that you think deserve to lie thru your way?
For goodness sake, who can ever believe your lame excuse, its too lame that no one will believe in that. Worse of all, do you expected that no eyes saw the incident?? We are seated in an open office!!! Nothing can be hide.
Don't assume that all is well after the confrontation as it has already trashed your reputation & image (or did you have them in the 1st place, sorry, its gone right in the beginning of your career)
You had simply ruin everything that is left of you being a man.
Just hope that you can still survive in the isolated island of yours. & don't ever dare to come close to anyone of us.
For you had already break one of our code of conduct. Integrity no more
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Latest monthly breakfast
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
happy birthday_2
whats so happy can it be compare to enjoying a dinner & a movie treat with you love one's?
we watched a movie [10,000 BC], on the compliment from a lucky draw which i won on a forum.
i can't believe that my angel had ever still have faith in me to grant me a little wish of sending a complimentary on my birthday since i had hardly any fortune luck in my whole life.
[has my luck of fortune turn & offering me some little sweets for this year??]
the movie has totally shock & stun us with great effects & good plot that we had never seems to be able to take our eyes off the screen for a second.
thanks to youswop for the great gift n_n*
happy birthday_1
why such complex feeling? cause i am really not getting young...(start to feel like me have reach the mid age) - neh!!! don't be shock... actually i am still far from that benchmark
since for quite a long time had such big group of people treating me a lunch on my birthdate that we need to be seated on 2 big round tables
boss took us out to a small resturant round the area, had chinese food as need to acommodate with our poor fellow who is not able to had spicy nor seafood due to his sudden out-break of skin allergic (tsk tsk tsk... poor nai nai)
food am alright, but i was most excited & happy cause not only was that a treat from all of them (since they had to spilt the cost of the lunch), i had a great time enjoying my food & chatting with them. & had the honour of a young fellow to serve us with tea (must fully utilize him since he is the youngest strong guy on our table mah...kekeke)
heavy rain did not spoil out appetite nor our mood & we head off back to work right after the lunch... it maybe short, but it's really a great gift for me beside getting any gift.....
its the warmth & human touch....
Monday, March 17, 2008
Dream Bed

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Net $$, hunt me more $$
Wanna try to see if i could make some extra income thru internet since of so many successful stories heard & read.
(since they can do it, why can't i?)
Trying out on Affiliate program & Goggle Adsence, putting in efforts & hoping they could really motivate my passion for life (guess nowadays, nothing more than money could be more interesting to me).
Affiliate Program Test & Run:
Affiliate Program with CJ didn't really work out on me... its of too hardwork simply just to try to motivate reader to purchase anything online since all the items listed are US based.
Most Local & Asia reader would not wanna to risk & spend such money on US based items when it could possess problems with additional shipment cost & payment & goods transport insecurity.
Goggle Test & Run:
Adsence seems to be the most proven income source when lots of successful Adsence users had shown the cheque that they received thru their blog & website.
As for me, it started out to be low-motivation when the Zero has been there since i started out for more than a month.
Numbers (in cents) start limping during November & that really motivated me.
Seeing that i am really bringing in extra cash with nothing more than wordings & pictures. The sums may be of too small to be negligible, but the trill had really give me a sence of hope.
It prove that i could do more than what i was.
Ray of light had bring me hope to work more hard....
Question Box
[The Question Box is a simple telephone intercom. Its purpose is to connect people to the Internet. It requires no literacy or computer skills.
Users place a free call by pushing the green button. They connect to an operator sitting in front of an Internet-enabled computer.
Users ask the operator questions. The operator goes online and finds their answers, translating them into the local language. The operator also sends & receives emails on the caller's behalf.
In the near future, users will be able to call the operator directly from their telephones.]
Motive of setting such boxes are simply to help those rural side poor people who are not able to afford computer or telephone. An Open Mind Project, organized by a non-profit US organization.
Operators on the other side will try to surf thru internet to find the answer on behalf & translate to the local language. example, a school students having trouble to solve a maths/science questions, seeking help from the operator. While the operator tries to goggle thru internet to find the best possible solution & explain thru the Question box to help the student.
Easy? It sure is... giving extra help in knowledge, improving the life for poor people.
Implementation has already been done on 2 location (in the Indian villages of Ethida and Poolpur.)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Heels in Jam
my my.... time is 2mintues left for my pick-up & i had to run for a distance...
what else to make it worse??? its raining SUPER heavy....
waiting for the traffic lights & standing in the middle of the heavy pour...(of cause i am armed with my big umbrella) but it so cold as the rains had wet my pants....
dash across the road when little red man disappeared.....
[senaro] a handsome uncle happen to pass by right in front of me....
i can't seems to move... what happen???
my heel is caught in between the grill of drain....
i tried to move but failed as it seems to get stuck quite badly...
(yap, its that handsome uncle) are u ok, girl???
omg...almost faint due to embrassment >///<
i replied "thanks" (signalling to him that its alright that i can managed)
i bend over & pulled my heel
(finally!!!) i am freed but in total drench (almost actually, don't forget its still raining very heavy)
sigh.... what an incident (embarrassing) to start a day...
forgot to add, i run as fast as i could as my bus had reached. a good excuse to get away from the awkward scene.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Tissue Auntie
Suddenly reminded me of the poor handicapped auntie who used to be selling at that spot. She has long been seen at the location.
Who is she so special that i remember her? (clip credit: IcyDavid)
wonder if she feels bad after found that a few boys make fun of her by making a clip on youtube about the song...
the mock was even brought to attention to the press.... (
poor auntie... making hard living by selling tissue paper as she is not able to work due to her mis-fortune
hope she is all fine & looking forward to see her face soon...
Malaysia's future depend on the security??
What is that so?
Result has directly reflected on mondays when the stock is resume.
Malaysia's stock had drop to the lowest for 10years.
So worry what will comes to Malaysia's future when all investors & buyers would rather pull out of stock exchange at once.
Recently in-stability & security in Malaysia had already shown that most citizens are worry & living hard for life.
Imagine that basic neccessity like Oil & Flour are highly shortage that all are grab at once when it manage to put on shelves of big super market.
How about the small shops who are struggling on small business? Some of them can't even get hold of any in stocks to sell.
Food industries & food sellers are all affected, not to mention families all have to pay at a higher price for basic.
Heard of any thing worse than that?
Small rural places had even occured of thief stealing as they can't find those items.
Stealing, robbing & scams are on the rise as people are finding life harder to maintain.
Hopfully the new government could really improve all these (as promise Anwar when he was doing the campaign).....
Try to secure the confidence of all investors before they flee
Mobile speaks a million words
Default ringtone: The anti-logo logo, someone who still makes a statement that they don't care about keeping up with technology trends.
Buzzes or beeps: Someone who sees their phone as a piece of functional technology, not something subject to fashion.
A person's voice: Someone who sees mobiles as an extension of talking to someone face to face and wants to make their phone seem more like a person and less like a machine.
An old-school phone ringing: Someone who wants to escape the contemporary modern world, it reflects phone technology's past.
Top 40 song or novelty ringtone: Someone who sees the phone as something fashionable, wants to keep up with the latest trends.
Song ringtone: Be it pop, classic or retro, it shows someone who sees the phone as the extension of their identity, wants publicly affirm their identity or reach out to others.
So What is your ringtone??
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Uncle beheads 15-month-old nephew in Saudi supermarket: report
Saw this news while goggling, its really heartless of this uncle to kill a helpless little INFANT (yes, he is still a baby) because he was really angry with his sister (infant's mother)
I can't believe that a man can be so violent that has the mentality & action that is just like an animal/beast.
[Mon Mar 3, 6:05 AM
RIYADH (AFP) - A man beheaded his 15-month-old nephew in front of his mother in a supermarket in Saudi Arabia apparently after a family dispute, newspapers reported Monday.
The 25-year-old Syrian national picked up a knife from the store in the Red Sea city of Jeddah on Sunday and decapitated the little boy in full view of shoppers, Arab News said.
The man apparently killed him following a dispute with his sister and brother-in-law, the English-language daily said.
"He chopped off the boy's head in front of the mother to get back at her," a police officer was quoted as saying. The mother fainted and was taken to hospital.
Murder is punishable by death in ultra-conservative Muslim Saudi Arabia, where the death sentence is usually carried out by beheading.SOURCE
.More Source
Saturday, March 8, 2008
"A" level result
can't recall even on my last semester of examination paper..(maybe the feeling is gone as its too long)
why am i experincing it again? cause my little fish is recieving her A level result yesterday...
(gosh, seems like i got more excited than herself) hahaha
SMSed me with her result as she had promised as soon as she recieved it...
(nod nod) little fish is doing it real good... didn't expected that she gonna a few As (wao... clever girl)
[little fish] that calls for celebration, shall we??? (really)
ok ok... lets go out party (no worry, fish jie jie will take care of you)
can't wait for next week...
[congratulation, darling]
Friday, March 7, 2008
sweetie, where are you???

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Random picutres taken
Monday, March 3, 2008
Maid Problem already
this only means the begining of more problems & issue...
don't believe that all these are coming since all seems to be hidden before we could see the advantage of hiring a extra helper at home...
1st step after we had chosen a maid (alright, she seems to be a sweet gal, so i won't feel too bad anyway), lots of documents to take care of.
papers after papers, lady in the agency was going thru each of them, highlighting to us whats are the important & to take note of.
the explaining part had taken more than half an hour, but thats not the end.
as the actual papers needs to be verified then certified (how complicated you will ask, its simply sign on all those documents loh) hands aching soon ----->> x_x
then those upfront cost that we need to foot before we could fetch her home...ops...... not little by all means... the agency cost is already more than hundred...
ok, whats the get me so confuse is the requirement set by government (the certified course)
no course = no certification = no maid.
thats simple i thought, but not when i log on (huh, didn't know that SP is holding such course right now) then i realise (no way!!!) its not for free (again)
sadly, hidden cost here & there (should have expected)
who says living in singapore is easy (unless you are rich to start off with ba)
Maid issue....
sigh, i am so sorry to all my friends & HB at the same time...
running about for the past weekends thru as much agencies as we can, looking on so many portfolios & faces...
talking & "interviewing" maids.
why all these troubles in a sudden? we need to get a maid asap to take care of our dearest granny as she is getting more & seriously too weak to take care of herself...
(recall) she almost fall or slip on few occassions & drop things cause she cant grab hold of her mug (ouchs)
pain in heart to see she is suffering & i was totally helpless to do anything but simply try to avoid her from doing anything that tends to demand physical like carry thingy or housechores,
we even stop & forbid her to cook as worry she cant even cut properly with a knife
(back to the point) finally we manage to find 1 darling whom all of us agreed that she is decent enough (yap, she looks very obedient) & could work comfortably with us.
lets observe & judge her performance for a month or so (ba)..... hopefully all work out well for everyone so that our life will not be affected.
Monday, February 25, 2008
what have i done??? [ hopeless moron ]
(pinch my cheek) why do i attempt to make changes to my blog & then to realise that all my widgets & links & ......... GONE!!!! (crying out loud)
why why why......
stupid of me to try & change my layout blog to a classic blog, thinking that i could be in much more of "freedom" in adding & altering to the blogskin & functions & ....... (sigh.....)
now then i realise that all are not so easy to be done on HTML.... as i had totally no knowledge as to adding or altering...
trying hard these few days (trial & error most of the times), & of cause searching thru HELP section, wishing miricale would happen which then easy step by step solution for dummy like me is available...
so what happen? even my counter is gone... so there goes all my good numbers that i had managed to earn thru these months are gone...its almost 1thousands!!!.... (knock my head* ouch*)
so there there, finally learn a bit of the little HTML thingy from so much of readings of HELPs...
managed to add a nice little counter to take over my little black knight as i can't seems to be able to remember where did i adopt the little cutie knight from... ops..