[The Question Box is a simple telephone intercom. Its purpose is to connect people to the Internet. It requires no literacy or computer skills.
Users place a free call by pushing the green button. They connect to an operator sitting in front of an Internet-enabled computer.
Users ask the operator questions. The operator goes online and finds their answers, translating them into the local language. The operator also sends & receives emails on the caller's behalf.
In the near future, users will be able to call the operator directly from their telephones.]
Motive of setting such boxes are simply to help those rural side poor people who are not able to afford computer or telephone. An Open Mind Project, organized by a non-profit US organization.
Operators on the other side will try to surf thru internet to find the answer on behalf & translate to the local language. example, a school students having trouble to solve a maths/science questions, seeking help from the operator. While the operator tries to goggle thru internet to find the best possible solution & explain thru the Question box to help the student.
Easy? It sure is... giving extra help in knowledge, improving the life for poor people.
Implementation has already been done on 2 location (in the Indian villages of Ethida and Poolpur.)