Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Real Life model

Dressed... but Dress-down

Dressed in what looked like fast-food uniforms... They were getting down and dirty
"THEY were dressed in what looked like fast-food restaurant uniforms and getting busy - but not with burgers and fries.
Instead, the two men and a woman were getting down and dirty - and their romp was captured on video.
The video has since made its way online. A link to the video was posted on several popular local forums. It has also been circulated via handphone."SOURCE

Thursday, April 10, 2008


earth is shaking.... & my my... i feel like so bad already...
maybe due to over stressing & working extra hard that had cost me more than i expected...

feeling very not normal right now... maybe i getting sick soon...
thanks PEST!!!
your ultra big virus had spread like mad in the office...
why didn't you just get whole week MC & stay put at home...

instead, you can back to work, spreading what the best rate that you can... getting me so weak right now...

wonder what they hell are you worth ...... beside spreading virus... causing unwanted damange...
can even do simple things & no task assign to you could be done at the correct way & complete at expected....

well well.... its another day & hopfully tomorrow's everything gonna be alright....

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Heros who or who is consider Hero

Alright, finally able to watch my 1st episode on the Hero series which i keep having too excuse to miss it showing on TV set.

Watching it on internet & watching as the 1st introducing on those characters suddenly arouse my thoughts.
Who are really consider Heros & what is the requirement to be consider a Hero?

Anyone on the earth can be consider a Hero in terms of time or even a moment of decision choice they made that make them a hero. (recalling on this afternoon meeting session of hours long of lecturing)...

In this new world & era, guess the most important people & most honourable person that i would consider a Hero of century is non other than the person who invented this!!! YES!!! the INTERNET!!!

hahahah... gotcha!!! thought that i will be saing about anybody else on history?
maybe i gonna spend sometime & find who is that genius who created this!!! HE IS A GOD!!!

ok, i'll stop here to continue my show...... now...
(to be cont......)

more Unbelivable Translating

really puzzle me how did they get those translated?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Funny Translating_1

Direct Translating???
Its funny how the Chinese is able to translate on those signboard.

Just hope that they don't really mean so on them.

It is still time to correct them before some ang moh drop on the floor due to uncontrollable laughing (stock)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Friends From Far Away

snap shot of poor (but yummy) crabs, i will remember you :p
How can i miss the chance to meet up with a friend who flown for more than 12hours & from the other end of the earth (hahaha... i exaggerate abit i guess)

O well, since we manage to get some time & meet up (since she was here for half the day before heading off to other country (next flight is the next EARLY morning)

Brought her to Roacher for seafood as suggested by our fellow boss.

Ate alot actually but can't finish them as we didn't expect that the food is too much for 3 of us that we can't finish it.

Of cause, we ordered the WORLD Famous --- Chilli Crab.

Yummy!!! it taste wonderful... luckily its not hot or else .......(getting sore throat liao if i continue to eat hot stuff)

Had a stroll towards Bugis Junction (thru Bugis Village) since we had such a full dinner.

Gosh, everyone's tired thus decided that we call it the night & headed for the super long Q at taxi stand....

Since its so so so long (i mean the Q), grabbing the little time we had & snap some shot!!!

Jo!!! you are so tall!!! (i had to tip-toe just to get that snap shot with you... ) hahha

Looking forward to your next visit again.

Aren't you surprise to see me? Hope that we can get the rest of the guys together.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

little fish vs big fish

sometime i ever did wonder, if i had felt numb enough to not shed a tears or feel sob & upset over leaving of another great co-worker

i thought that i had really seen enough that i wont feel sad but.....

its really hard to find another 小妹妹 that i can be so close with....(kekeke... misses those hugs already)

been 3 days since her depart of the company & lunchie time seems so quiet than ever since she is not around.

Gosh, even kaki had commented that wondering how has our 小妹妹 been doing....
Misses us?

alright then, since everyone starts to miss her little "innocent" smile & laughter, we shall organize something (how about BBQ or simply a dip in pool at SSS place?)

so regret that i didn't get to take any pictures on the last day as i was too tied up with lots of work.

know what my little fish, that pest is getting more & more irritating..(guess must be cos he has found another pest along him to add the fun in the area)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

creative work - just for laugh

creative mind, creative work, cool!!!
wondering how would i feel sitting on that sofa & be surrounded by so many books????