Friday, October 31, 2008

This is Crazy

What so crazy about??? its the insanity going into my brain that strucks me craziness...

Feel like slapping idoit when he keeps pissing me with his attidute.

Whats so great that he walks around with both hands in his pocket & admiring at the trophies collection that the company had won over the years when everyone is so buzy, rushing to get job done before calling off for the day. (i totally give up on rushing thru my work when its almost 5min till knock off)

"imagining that all the trophies comes to alive & gives him slaps, throwing punches on the free loader"

hahhaha.... (ok ok ....) i am going insane soon...... where am i huh????

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

korea variety show - We got Married

This sounds crazy.... creating a show based on newly married life for 4 different couples who are still currently hot celebraties & stars.

What are they thinking of?!
1st of all... you get to see them behave (is that real or they still acting) which comes into my mind wondering since they know well that cameras are they shooting at them at all time....

Make to stay with their designated "spouse"... guys will try to behave like loving husbands & fixing bed on thier 1st day move in to the home.

I do hope that the guys really mean to be so loving & good temper that they would willingly to piggy back the "wife" into the house..... fix breakfast before waking their wife

o, my... it sounds so unreal that seems like a fairy tale when Andy even make a "princess" bed for Solbi

(wishing upon the stars) hope that i could have such a wonderful husband too

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"Is it you?!" [finger don't point at me pls]

No, i am not referring to myself.... overheard a conversation that really makes me feels that Singapore is really a small small country...

This is how it goes...i happened to be in this shop while this happen.

A young lady was trying out on her clothing while her gal friend was waiting outside the fitting room for her.

Big Boss of the Boutique was having his chatty & friendly conversation cum good sale technique to sell his clothings to the rest of the customers, making sure that all customers are treated fairly & happily served.

" Its Sale period, so everything is going to be on a big discount!! Get them more right now... Sale celebration before i am heading for my honeymoon... yes yes... i just held my wedding dinner.... its fantasic & i was really drunk ...... At the XX hotel ...." (dots represent those missing details which i can barely remembered)

The young lady who was still trying out the dress inside the fitting room was so excited when she overheard the "loud" conversation that she popped out from the fitting room (or should i just say that her head pop out behind the curtain made fitting room... whatever....)

" Are you sure you held your wedding dinner at the XX hotel??? Just last Sunday?? My mum just attended the wedding dinner at that hotel & that specific date?! Don't tell me we are related?!" (ooooooooo........ everyone's eye popped!!) ["Dont tell me you are 1 of my distant cousin sister since i had so many that i couldn't even recongize- says the boss]

" Just kidding lah... my mum says she attended her friend's child's wedding dinner... so i guess your wife's mum knows my mum ..."

This is funny.... things could happend & since singapore is so small enough that someone's someone could have know you & this could mean that you better behave for whatever bad things you had done could fairly come back to you.... unknowingly...@@@ ops

Friday, October 3, 2008


Really by "accident" that i "stumble" hearing a song from this artisite & his unique singing technique had caught my attention.

Didn't able to find much info on him & i really need to head on to music store in hope to find his album.

Music of the song is relativly easy to listen & hard not to remember after hearing it more than once.(got to admit that my age could have catch up so i had plain forgotten after few hours of not hearing it now)

Lyrics wrote are peacefully & meaningful but still plain enough to be understood by any Chinese.(none of those hard to recongize nor understandable characters, thankfully)

Guess his going to be my next top list of "wanted" artiste.

2000至今一直同众多圈内音乐制作人一起从事幕后音乐制作,参与多部电视剧的音乐制作及主题曲的演唱。并担任众多歌手的单曲及唱片制作。其间创作出大量优秀的音乐作品收录于众多歌手的专集中,先后为宇桐非曾为 陆毅、黄奕、苏有朋、本多RURU、大地乐团、K。O女生组合、S翼乐团、顾海滨、王冰洋、马天宇、泷潇、东翰、陈少华、范海荣、董冬等多位艺人创作并制作歌曲,深受广大歌迷喜爱,并努力使自己成为一名优秀的词曲作者及音乐唱作人。    想认识的人: 使自己成为一名优秀的词曲作者及音乐唱作人。 曾被胡海泉一直认为很有潜力的多年兄弟宇桐非,终于在2007年共同携手制作宇桐非的首张个人专辑。这张专辑可以说是精选中的精选,是在宇桐非创作的近一百首作品当中细心挑选而出,经过将近一年时间的精心打造,完完全全属于宇桐非个人本色的一张专辑。其中很多作品都是宇桐非亲身经历和感同身受的情感之作。 本专辑已进入最后的制作流程,相信不久就会与大家分享。从作品中可以真正的了解宇桐非,发现宇桐非。不仅仅是《人在江湖漂》《功夫》中他所表现的江湖侠骨一面,也更有其独特的非式柔情。 在胡海泉眼里宇桐非在生活中是一个不可多得的好兄弟,重感情,讲义气,做事稳重,有一个好的心态,坚持自己的理想却不急于求成。在音乐上说不上我们是志同道合,但是因为是多年的兄弟,也会有相当的默契在。但是各自对于音乐理想的那份执着却是一致的。但谁曾想一个对音乐为之癫狂的人,有时却是一个极其冷静的家伙,有对于生活敏锐的洞察力 这点好像有点象胡海泉。 在宇桐非眼里胡海泉却是一位不折不扣的好大哥,更准确的说应该是良师益友。这些年给予了自己很多的帮助和支持,几乎每写一首自己较满意的曲子都会向海泉讨教讨教,给一些指点和意见。而海泉在这些事情上从来都是很认真的去揣摩,以至于在这张专辑的制作过程中两人都会有相当的默契和热情。

艺名:宇桐非 生日:1月8日 星座:摩羯座 血型:AB 型 身高:183厘米 体重:73 公斤 鞋子尺寸:43 号 衣服尺寸:大码 学历:大学本科 嗜好:唱歌、驾驶、足球、拳击、健美 语言:中文、英语 喜爱的衣著:休闲装 、古装 喜爱的卡通: 《名侦探柯南》 、《聪明的一休》 喜爱的电影:《勇敢的心 》、《未来水世界》、《英雄本色》 喜爱的影星:梅尔?吉普森、李小龙、周润发 喜爱的歌星: Toni braxton、blue、张国荣 喜爱的食物:牛扒、面条 喜爱的饮品:可乐、白开水 喜爱的颜色:黑、白、红 喜爱的歌曲:《Un-break my heart 》 喜爱的地方:家 害怕的动物:鲨鱼

Artiste's profile credited from SOGUA ^u^

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

mummy's 1st attempt

mummy's 1st attempt to give the little angel her bath... ops....

reduce speaker volume before watching. try to ignore the background noise.