Monday, December 31, 2007
Where is love?
[post] CALL it DIY hubby-hunting.
One woman from China knows exactly who she wants as a husband - a Caucasian - never mind that she doesn't speak a word of English.And she's going about it in her own way.
No more match-making agencies for her, thank you very much.After she failed to get results through a match-making agency, Ms Zhang Xue Hong, 42, opted for a do-it-yourself (DIY) 'manhunt'.
For the past two weeks, she has been sticking up notices on lamp-posts along Taman Warna and other streets in Holland Village.Bemused residents have been seeing - alongside the usual notices for garage sales and lost pets - her handwritten personal ad, titled 'Marriage'.
It reads, in broken English: 'Looking for a sigle (sic) white aged between 42 to 60 as a mankind (sic) partner, please contact ms zhang.'It lists a Singapore handphone number, a China telephone number and address, and her e-mail address.When contacted, Ms Zhang, who lives in Tianjin, said that she has been to Singapore twice in search of her elusive 'white knight'.
She revisited Singapore last month after her first attempt five months ago through a local match-making agency was unsuccessful.
She returned to China on Monday as her social visit pass was about to expire.Ms Zhang, who does not speak English, painstakingly used an electronic dictionary to translate the words.'I didn't write anything about myself because my English is not good, and I was scared I would write wrongly,' said Ms Zhang, who describes herself as conservative, voluptuous, and fair with long flowing hair.
Armed with some 20 copies of her flier, she headed to Holland Village two weeks ago, because she had heard there are more Caucasians there.
She said: 'I want to find a white man. I'm Chinese so this might seem impolite, but I think European or American men are of better quality.'They are better-educated, more cultured, and have better personal upbringing.'Ms Zhang said she has had five or six boyfriends previously, all from China, but the relationships ended as either party found the other 'unsuitable' in the end.She said she started hearing good things about Caucasians in the past three years from friends and even her older brother, who has an American friend teaching at Peking University.
LANGUAGE IS NO BARRIERShe said she was not concerned about the language barrier.She said: 'A lot of Chinese people find white men overseas, and most of them also can't speak English at first.
If there really is chemistry, it won't be a problem.
You can communicate in other ways.'So why Singapore?Ms Zhang said she did her research, and found it would be very difficult to go to the US or Europe due to visa and other restrictions.So she decided on Singapore, as it has a majority Chinese population, a substantial expat community, and is a relatively safe country.
She paid more than 3,000 yuan ($600) to come here in June, on a one-week free-and-easy tour to Singapore and Malaysia.
She immediately scoured the Chinese newspapers here, and following an advertisement, went to First Overseas International Matchmaker at Katong Shopping Centre to pay $20 to register as a member.
In her application, she stated she was looking for either Europeans, Americans or outstanding Singaporean men who earn between $3,000 and $6,000 a month, live in private property, and preferably, run their own businesses.
She also wrote that she's 1.55m tall, weighs 50kg, earns 1,000 yuan a month, and loves reading, music and travel.Ms Zhang even skipped the Malaysia leg of the tour in hopes of a match. She called the marriage agency several times after she returned home but there was no match.
Agency owner Francis Toh, 53, said given her requirements, it was very difficult to find a mate, and his employees had explained that to her when she registered with them.He said: 'We do not guarantee a match.
It's not that if you want a man who earns so much money and lives in private property, you will definitely get him by paying $20.
'Last month, Ms Zhang decided to make a second, 16,000 yuan one-month trip to Singapore.She stayed at a budget hotel in Chinatown for a week, before moving to a friend's house in Redhill to cut costs.So did she get any response to her fliers?
Ms Zhang said she received one phone call about a week ago.'But it was from a withheld number, and he spoke English, so I couldn't understand him. I asked him to speak in Mandarin, but he couldn't, then he hung up,' she said.Most residents in the neighbourhood where Ms Zhang's fliers were found were mixed in their views.
Their reactions to her ranged from 'funny' to 'desperate' to 'very bold.'NTU lecturer Andrew Duffy, 42, who called The New Paper hotline after spotting the flier while visiting a friend, said jokingly: 'It's good marketing!'
One female resident, who declined to give her name, said she even spotted two Caucasian men taking pictures of the sign on the lamp-post one morning.
A married male Australian resident, 59, who declined to give his name, said that he would never respond to such an ad, even if he was single.
But his wife, 60, said that in their country, there are men who go overseas to find Asian women willing to live in remote areas of Australia with them - because many Australian women are unwilling to do so.
'They could have happy marriages and have children,' she said.
--------------- [source: email]
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Disgust drink
Its not cheap, costing over $3 for 2 bottle...
looking at the creative & innovative of the new drink, i brave up my courage & wanna try it.
it is location in the freezer area with milks & yogurt...
curosity really makes me dare to try it out... once i open it... i totally regret...
its stated green tea, but... why isit smells like jasmine...
ya ya, jasmine tea is green tea... but its just one kind of green tea. It doesn't mean it is green tea.
1st sip, still acceptable...the fragrance of Jasmine tea is really strong...
On my 2nd sip, i try to taste it with those little "tapoles"... taste... HORRIBLE....
Totally a wrong combination.... "tapoles" are slimy & non-chewable...
To add on the disguesting chewing texture of the drink, the jasmine actually turn me off...
Wonder if its the Glass bottle that adds on to the HORRIBLE level, the smell of glass to the disgusting taste & texture nearly pukes me when i attempt on my 4th sips...
Finally i gave up... i rather waste the money instead of torturing myself...
why bother to torture myself when i wanted to treat myself for a cold drink in the 1st place.... should have taken a bottle of coke instead... REGRET!!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
cool games
widget is really addition.... will explore more & post them on...
monkey shoting again
Friday, December 21, 2007
"Kang Si Lai Le" 康熙来了

Most of featured artiste are more than willing (or being forced for some) to share more personal life & things when they board on the show.
Must admit that both hosts did well in that... they could really bring out the personal feeling of artist to pour out all they have (yes, some even weep on show) [no cut.. the show simply continue]. Its hard for the celebrities to be emotional at times when they are so conscious being in front of camera as they have to be responsible for any consequences that they may face if they over-do or said to the public. But the hosts are able to "trick" the artists into saying out what's in their mind & how they were doing or handle situation.
Guess now the show has lessen the interesting & fun when 小S left the show due to giving birth to her 2nd baby. Being replaced (for time being) by Selina from popular girl group, SHE. She is 1 cute & pretty singer who is undeniable bringing more male audience to the show. But she seems to be still way behind to posses the skill & technique in being a great talk show host. As she can't seems to catch up & react fast enough from her male co-host.
She is working hard, so 加油!!
For the moment.... i still miss the ex-female host... can't get used to the show without her hot & juicy gossips.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Carving 6,000 Steps Up a Mountain for Wife
Their story came atop a list of China's top ten love stories organized by the Chinese Women Weekly, which collected tales from around the country since July.At the beginning, life was harsh and Xu felt that she had tied Liu down and repeatedly asked him, "Are you regretful?"Liu always replied, "As long as we are industrious, life will improve."
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Movie - The Warloads

About a story of loyalty, surviving & battling over believes during the time of hardship of Qing Dynasty. Where corruptions, rebellions & weak governing of the Emperors, created life difficulty for poor peasants.
The bond, brotherhood and complex emotions in these 3 brothers played by 3 great actors. Had really brings the characterization of the role they played in...
Big Brother (cast by Jet Li) a strong believer of the new world he can possible brings to China if he could succeed. In my view, he is a weakling. He could have lots of other choices in everything yet he chose to give in. He believe that by sacrificing of those people he could bring peace life to the rest but yet, he is weakling to overcome bad situation & plan of possible ways to get his men thru those in-possible. Quote from the beginning of movie " in this era, its easy to die but its the living that is difficult".
2nd brother (cast Andy Lau) impressive acting skills in this movie where he shows a faithful, loyal yet simple person of the character. He may have started off with being a head of bandit, but the loyalty of being head of bandit makes him believe that he needs to be there for all who believes in him. The oath taken by sworn brothers let him into death wish is the most sad part of the story.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Skinny in for Guys
They would try to keep fit & look tidy & neat. Some to the extend where they are willing to spend time & money, investing on facials, cosmetics, hairdo & clothings etc.....(not forgetting some would even attempt for surgeon's help)
Recently the trend has changed even more, unexpectedly.
Woman seems not much of desire to appeal the guys anymore, but the guys tries to appeal to woman instead.
That's where skinny has become a much desire figure for guys than whats used to be more preferred as fit & strong V shape figure.
Guys are taking over the role of the weaklings, hoping for protection & security in their partners.
Has that to blame the Japanese media of protraying most young & hot rising stars with slender figures & pretty faces, says the reporter.
For me, guess i still prefer to be love & protect instead.... (don't mind my partner to be in his heavier shape)
Sunday, December 9, 2007
miss sixty's jeans
Why did i mention this suddenly???(you may ask)
Its the sale i get to see which the e-Private offering at Discount price of up to 70% that makes me so trill.....
Should i try it??? but then.... i kind of worry cause i have really put on alot of weight (numbers really depress me) in these years that i can't even fit in all my jeans..
(super depress again)....
will i be getting the right jeans for me in size if i ordered it & ship it to singapore??? will i be getting that 1 of the kind design that we hardly can see locally, & really impress everyone who sees me in that jeans???
(nw i am trill & excited)....
maybe i should try & see how... not much harm anyway since i love their design....
(devil laughter) HEHEHE... miss sixty... here i come
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Girl, 7, was shot 6 while shielding mum
Girl, Alexis, is currently stable condition, recovering from gunshot wounds to the eye, left temple, chin, cheek, chest and right arm.
the tragic occur last saturday when the ex-boyfriend, Tillie kipnad the mother & Alexis....
no report of the reason for Tillie's revenge but he is set to kill both mother & daugther after hitting 6Mile Road.
Friday, December 7, 2007
"romance of their own"
"who is that cool, handsome looking guy" is what she means....
its a GIF* made by a gal which i took (ok... pls credit it to that sweet gal whom i DL it from) while surfing the forum & notice it...
its a clip taken by the Korea movie "temptation of wolf" aka "romance of their own"
story about a forbidden love of a guy towards his step-sister....
no only did this poor fellow unable to get the girl of his dream, but he pass away after a unsuccessful operation (can't remember if its a heart or brain surgery)...
the other guy in the GIF is the man who finally gets the girl..
both actors are really hot in korea even this movie was made few years back...
good movie worth catching it.... recommed if you like hot hunks with those loving & romantic scenes that really makes me weep..... (kissie kissie) ops...
actor cast as poor brother was famous in this movie especially after the scene when he "merge" from behind the umbrella & look up (that mega watt look sure can't be avoided)
he is currently still a hot icon ... kang don won
not forgetting.... the OST is superme!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007
D&D night
Its 1 fun night (ytd) where i start to see more interesting pple.... lots of girls really put in effort (& cash too) for the night...
Bare shoulders, short dress & even baring their back (low back dress) ... its really an eye-popping experience as comparing to daily working dress code when everyone tends to wear simple as our working environment does not allow us to walk on high heels & wearing mini skirts.
seems that the beer did helps alot in bringing the atmosphere of the night (ops, not forgetting that our MC really did a great job too)
everyone seems to be high, especially those foreign workers.... its a great opportunity for them to relax & share some quality time with their fellow colleagues....
Whats my prize that i get for the night?? hahhaha.... thankfully i managed to get something & not returning empty-handed.... eventhou its a voucher but its better than nothing....
Saturday, December 1, 2007
D&D (again)
Let's say that after attending to a few company function, seems that i have already lost the interest with the socializing at night....
The thoughts of D&D has only make me totally bored (sit & eat again). Thus i don't even feel the interest to spend time & money on any "investment" just for that couple of hours.
Whats the point anyway????
To spend hundred on a gown (or just maybe a dress), a make-over with new hairstlye by a hairstlyist that may cost another $50 or $70. Do facial in advance of a week before that occasion (yap, some really did) & get a pair of new heels to match that dress or gown..
To have that perfect night, 1 can sum up easily to more than $200....
$200 for that couple of hours... that's a totally not possible for me.
Guess i gonna try to be creative & dress appropiate for the night tomorrow....
With a little magic of mix & match.... lets see how will the night turn out tomorrow...
Friday, November 30, 2007
Town for sale thru eBay
this really seems to "crazy" idea to buy a town, so drama...thought that such ideas (like getting an island) only will happen in the movies.
wonder who this crazy (yet filthy rich) man is, trying to imagine what he wants from this town..
i wont believe that he is going to get the town & retire his life for sure....
& why didnt i see on ebay on this bid "item"???
[SAN ANTONIO -- Someone in Italy placed the winning bid of $3.8 million on Friday for an unpopulated, one-house Texas town auctioned online.No one lives permanently in the 13-acre town of Albert, about 60 miles north of San Antonio, but the tavern created from the frame of the old general store is open on weekends.The town also includes a pavilion, an 85-year-old dance hall, a tractor shed, a three-bedroom house, plus peach and pecan orchards.But before town owner Bobby Cave signs the deed over, he must ensure the eBay bid is legitimate. Cave said that unlike the usual items bought through eBay, there are no contractual obligations when it comes to real estate."There's just not any way to insist that a guy from Italy write me a check for three million," said Cave, 47, an Austin real estate agent.The reserve price for the town was $2.5 million. Even if the deal doesn't go through, Cave said he has about five other prospective buyers genuinely interested in the town.Bridgeville, in northern California, was the first town ever put on the eBay auction block. The 83 acres were twice sold on the site, in 2002 (that deal fell through) and again last year. ]
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Deadly Ending to TV Proposal, Woman killed after saying 'no' to 'marry me' plea
Woman killed after saying 'no' to 'marry me' plea [November 28, 2007]

APPEAR on our TV show, there'll be a surprise for you.
A clip from the TV show, showing Ms Orlovo and Navarro.
That was all Ms Svetlana Orlovo was told when she was invited to be on Spain's daytime Patricia's Daily Show.
But the 'surprise' last week may have led to her losing her life - sitting opposite her on the set was her former boyfriend, Ricardo Navarro, who had beaten her for years.
On the show, Navarro, 30, produced an engagement ring and proposed to Ms Orlovo, a Russian living in Spain, reported The Times.
Looking deeply uncomfortable, Ms Orlovo shook her head.
Five days later, Navarro allegedly stabbed her in the neck, killing her.
The TV station is now under fire to drop the programme, which is known for bringing together weeping, quarrelling couples, reported the Washington Post.
The kiling has also prompted ministers to hold talks with broadcasters over the nation's trashy TV culture.
According to the Spanish newspapers, Ms Orlova had thought the surprise would be her mother.
Navarro had said on the show that he and Ms Orlova broke up because of a dispute over money.
Ms Orlova contested that, saying: 'There were many other things', but did not elaborate.
Navarro then went down on one knee and asked her to marry him.
'Come back,' he said sounding tearful, as the audience cooed. 'You are everything for me.'
'I want you to marry me. You're everything for me. Everything, everything,' he is reported to have said as Ms Orlova shook her head slightly.
The host then urged her: 'Well, Svetlana, say something. We are all on tenterhooks. Is that 'no' or 'I don't know'? Say it clearly.'
Ms Orlovo, who eventually said 'no' on screen, was stabbed five days later and died in hospital.
She leaves a son, 5, who is now being looked after by his father.
Navarro was arrested for her murder.
The show's production company denied being responsible for her death, saying that it, too, had been deceived by Navarro.
'Nothing made us suspect that a tragedy like this could occur,' it said.
Other cases ==>> This is not the first act of violence in Spain seemingly triggered by a TV show, reported TheTimes. Other cases:
1997 - Ana Orantes, 60, talks about abusive husband on TV show. Several days later, he ties her to a chair, douses her in petrol and sets her alight, killing her.
2004 - Andres Reyes kills 18-year-old girlfriend after she appears on TV show and talks about his abuse of her.
2005 - Mariano Navas stabs girlfriend, citing 'humiliation' on Patricia's Daily Show as mitigating factor.
[source:,4136,149045,00.html ]
Love you to DEATH
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Face Problem
Starting to look everywhere for ways to get rid of those nasty thingys. Trying out on whatever being recommended... (but of cause within my budgets)
Guess now it sure pays off as my face starts to get better....
Who says that i must spend alot of hard cash just to have a good skin.
My skin is not as good as those models on advertisment, but who cares. As long as they don't look horrible & i can still be presentable.
[to those beauticians] "aunties!!! i don't need to woreship you & follow whatever you say faithfuly & best of all, i don't need to spend those money just to SAVE my face!!!"
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Widget Gadgets
found more of little gadgets when surfing....
bravenet seems like a cool place where lots of interesting thingy avaliable to add.
they offer forum, hosting, blog,chatroom, traffic statistic etc ... all more to offer but at no cost...unless u require to have any of these at a professional & better service...
their latest gadget is a virtual speaker that able to "speak" whatever u want your audience to hear... maybe i will get that for myself if i intend to upgrade my blog to a website instead.. hahhaha
bravenet avaliable n_n
forgot to add... i "keeping" some fishes here.. try to feed them if you are interested...
[simply click on the water, & watch]
Monday, November 26, 2007
its great that finally we gonna upgrade our system again... with better processor & speed & memory space...
the new LCD monitor save us more desk space, thus sparing me with the trouble of table space constrian...
ops... guess bigger size monitor still a trouble ... its hard to miss from a distance what i was doing, especially no-no cos boss will knw that i was reading my personal emails & i was gossiping with my collg on MSN liao...
addiction to blogging
yes, i gonna have to admit that she is right again...
from the day i learn that i can express my feelings & thoughts in the virtual world has already brought me so much fun which i actually made lots of friends... all of us maybe simply exchanging thoughts & experience. Consoling each other when one is at depression...
but non of us know each other in real life...
blog simply bring a few strangers (ladies) into a small world & a common topic could start a conversation... thats when the human connection & communication started out....
we could have been living in the same neighbourhood but never get to even greet each other or people from from austrialia, getting information on whats going on in homeplace, singapore...
[big hug] friends, its so nice to meet u ♥
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
experimenting on every little tools i can try on blogging...
newly added feature to my blog is cute little counter ->>> right bottom of the page
so cute!!!
little knight, pls guide & protect my little space well
Friday, November 16, 2007
MRT seems to be pack with lots of people.most look tired & seems to be dozing off (or are they??)
A mummy manage to aboard the train, squeezing thru her way to find a location near to the most "secure" place where she hope that she would be of the least harm to her baby...
She is carrying a baby in her... guess it seems that she is going to be due in mnth's time...
I was looking at her, hoping ard that someone took notice of a future mum's existence and give up thier seat and offer... i cant even find anyone willing to open thier eyes to even take notice of her....
whats wrong with them?! have they manage to fall into "deep sleep" within minute as they seated?
One lady took notice of mummy finally, i was glad someone finally notice that the mother need some offer.... wait!!! that lady look away!! looking at the ther direction after the short glance!!!
didn't she notice a mother carrying a baby is such a hard task that a seat being offered to would greatly be apprecaited???
she pretended that she didn't notice & "fell asleep" instantly!! hoping that nobody took notice that she is ignoring the mother...
"heh, whats going on...... is singaporean so heartless & fail to see the need to help people around?" aunties standing right beside me were grumpling & complaining about the sight that they had saw, raising their volume, hoping to catch more attention for the poor mother...
can't believe that most people could have fall into deep "coma" that nobody even bothers to react to this....
a young man, seated a little distance away, took notice of the conversation & finally saw the helpless mother. offering his seat immediatly even thou his hand seems full with his bags & box (its a lappie)....
finally poor mother get to rest a while on the journey before getting to her stop...
warm smile in return for young chap's great heart... his little action may seems so unnoticable but had actually make alot of different to me, cause i still can believe that warmth & love can still exist here, in singapore, in this world.
~~~~~ n_n
Sunday, November 11, 2007
"what do i deserve for this treatment"
you can always come out with thousand & 1 reason & excuse yet i will have to bear all of them... so what do i get in return??? (piece of shit only)
i really am feeling very tired... with too many of disappointment & my faith is losing... what is there left in you that still can keep me to go on... [nothing]
you know it very well that it takes lot of effort & work to keep up with good relationship with your collg & friends & your customers...don't you know that its take even double of all this just to maintain a relationship???
didn't i have been giving in too much to you... haven that seen to be too little to be notice?
(tears rolling down my cheeks) but i did told you before that to be tgt takes more than just verbal reminding of loving & missing each other...
your constant "reminding" don't work at all when they seems so lifeless to me... they mealy exist & said for the sake of saying...
i have told you that i have really gotten too used to all these... not because i have really gotten used to but simply cause.. i felt total numb to your excuse & reason..
poison of venom are lethal, once gotten too much of poison in oneself... numbness over power everything & whats left with are lifeless awaiting....
its numb in my heart so........ still waiting to test when will the numbness over power my sense...
Saturday, November 10, 2007
scam (again)
Was giving a day to rest (finally can get away from work & stress for a day) & lots of medication... so i went Z'in (sleeping) thru the day after taking the prescribed dosage.
Ring (who is so heartless to wake me up from my sweet dream)
Thousand & 1 excuses for me to ignore the phone... but its too loud to be ignore...
Unwillingly, i manage to get up & pick up the call...
[Female voice, in Chinese... ] This is calling from Singapore Supreme Court. You have been notified that you are to proceed to Court on 5th Dec for case on .........(ops... can't recall what are the details)....
Pls press 1 to Court Adm dept, Press 2 to ..... [the answering m/c continues]
Stun & shock.... i had offence??? What did i do wrong that i need to face law suits & worst of all.... supreme high court is no laughing matter....
Something hit my mind, Singapore has been known of being a Muilt-culture country thus we have so many different races of citizens thus to enable all ease of communication, most of the gov calls are to start off with English (only with answering m/c then langauge options are avaliable after the English version)
What strike into my mind immediatly when i recall the email warns circulating in the forum are about recent on phone scam...
i try to reason it out to myself... how can ever singapore supreme court be using an oversea call connection to call me to inform i have an offence of a unknown mistake i made..
I maybe sick... but those cheaters sure can't think that i am stupid anyway...
I slam the phone & ignore it....[but once i recall back ... did regret that i should have call to police & file report so that they may have a chance to trace the line or something (watch too much tv i guess)]
Told my HB after that night & he did call to court to check if i did have any of offence... but.. i am a good citizen actually so there is nothing i should be scared of... (hahahah)
[my my... even my granny had received such phone before.. but is real lucky that i warn her before about possible phone scam that had actually trick lots of pple] phew!!!
SCAMers OUt TheRE!!! Don't try your those dirty tricks on me again... Cause You going to PAY for it If You daRe to try it out AGAIN!!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
wasting resource - precious water
just when we have seated & waiting for our serving... we were interrupted by kids laughter... curious enough & we look towards....
its at the Multi-Function Hall next to the eating place....
shockening to me with what they are doing....
they are pouring water onto each other or themselves (but thats not what really pissed me)...
the young kids are wasting water not only by splashing water at no cost, they simply allow the tap (which is meant for function purpose) to run freely....
water are over flowing from the sink & they happily splashes water all over the place....
didn't the teacher ever teach them the importance of water.... our mother nature may have feed us with preious water at no cost, but Singapore being such a small country & without any natural resources.... water is so preious..
for every year, we have to buy in supply of drinkable water across the straits.
now with the help of new technology of NEW WATER...
it has not solve the problem of water shortage at all.
(tsk tsk tsk)... this kids are not too young that they can't understand the importance...
Saturday, November 3, 2007
GOsh.... lifeless
Was usually so excited when weekend arrives but then... sigh... its super disappointed day again....
How can i lighten my mood before getting back to work???
How can i face work on monday if i have yet able to fully get charged???
Brain is mulfunctioning, mood is super low right now... what is going on again??? is that a depression again... hope its not again...
sigh.... maybe if i try to pamper myself with a good mask later on, & i will feel better.....
ting ting (bell sound)..... lets start to relax......
Friday, November 2, 2007
That’s right… I had get to understand & explore internet only in 2004…
My 1st experience was when I was in primary as it’s such expensive equipment for a average household could afford. School had our very 1st (1 & only) computer room where all students are available hands-on experience once a week.
Things are so different in the 21st century where a pc can be bought at USD$199 from online (Linux @ wal-mart).
Blog allows me to explore more of options & expressing myself…it’s a whole totally world where I manage to make lots of friends from different field of life & career…
(mums, teachers, accountings, even across the straits where Malaysia/Thailand & Australia)
I even could keep in touch with long lost friends who we seldom contact…(actually was hoping that I could even find my long-lost schoolmates too)
[shouting!!] friends out there from SP or BLSS…….. i miss you!!!!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Cool Automobile
its so cool... would trade in anything for a car like that....(ya, how i wish)
with such a cool car, driving test seems like a piece of cake... no more worry that can't pass that test on the very 1st test.... (HAHAHA)....
yet, i don't see any of this car avaliable in singapore???
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
1st blog
Have yet testing out long enough to know what is the different.... so looking forward for more trial and error ^ ^